Monday, October 12, 2009

Unemployment Held Up

Blog about Dustin's Comment
I bet Dustin has a job, because he doesn’t seem to understand these people need the unemployment to keep the basics, housing and food. Healthcare is not an option for these people, you cannot afford cobra insurance when you are on unemployment. Most don’t realize that in most states if you own a home you cannot get food stamps or any other type of help. And with the housing market it is today, you can’t sell your house to buy food. People are stuck. One of the reasons people are also out of work is because of lean manufacturing, tons of positions were lost, this was needed for America to contend with competition. But if the government would do away with NAFTA, and actually make other countries trade equally or not at all with us, these people could get back to work. NAFTA is the main root cause of all this mess.

1 comment:

  1. Pointing a finger at NAFTA might be overly simplistic. The world economy is changing, and will continue to change, NAFTA or no. The standard of living we are accustomed to in the United States far outstrips most of the world's. If those other places can do manufacturing work, they are going to be willing to do it far cheaper than laborers here. If a free economy follows profitability, then it is a natural progression in a free economy that production will go where it is cheapest, NAFTA or no.

    We (Americans) get cheaper goods (which is good, right?) but at the cost of our economic base (which is bad, right?). I haven't heard anybody say we should just get used to a lower standard of living.

    No simple solutions, I'm afraid.
